The weather has been beautiful lately, and last Saturday, I decided to take a day off from sewing and play in the dirt instead.
I started with the compost piles. My two compost makers sit in the back of the property and are fed regularly with kitchen scraps. Our climate being so dry, compost takes a long time to "cook" and be usable. So I emptied out both bins in a wheelbarrow, mixed everything up, put all the materials back in the bins, and watered thoroughly. Hopefully, I will have nice compost in a couple of weeks.
After that, I trimmed all our lavender plants back to nothing. My only hope is that they will grow back nicely; the plants had become very woody and gnarly dead sticks poked out of the middle of the plants.
Still on a roll with the shears, I turned my attention to the herb garden. There I removed all the dead stems from the oregano, the thyme, the lemon balm, and the tarragon. The herb garden now looks nice and neat. I did uncover some new growth under all the dead wood:
Oregano |
Indoors, the citrus, fig tree, and grapevine are doing well. The Meyer orange tree keeps producing, blooming and bearing fruit at the same time. I ate the last oranges two weeks ago, and the tree is blooming again. The lime tree is full of baby limes and blooming as well.
My day in the garden was very uplifting and energizing. When I went back to the studio- I did get a couple of orders while I was playing in the dirt- I felt rested and ready to tackle the work at hand.
Give yourself a break, do something different for a day. It's good for the soul.
Take care.