After several days of cold and snow, the weather turned out absolutely gorgeous yesterday: sunny (not uncommon here) with a high of 77 degrees (definitely uncommon for April). The warm temperatures inspired me to start my seeds. I know it's late by most gardeners' standards, but since I can't safely set out my plants until early to mid-June, I think it will be OK.
Aside from the warmth, I was also inspired by a couple of gardening books by Gayla Trail:
You grow girl,
Grow great grub, and
Easy growing. There are plenty of pictures and amusing anecdotes, simple recipes, and great tips. My kind of gardening book!
Growing tomato seeds in toilet paper cardboard rolls set in repurposed salad container. |
My salsa pot: tomatoes and cilantro. The lime tree is growing nearby. |
I repurposed a sheet cake cover into a cloche for my seedlings |
We are dealing with a mole or two digging tunnels in the vegetable raised bed. The little critters are actually aerating the soil, so we are not too concerned about it at this point. We did sprinkle some castor oil around the tunnels in hopes that the mole will have moved elsewhere by the time I have to plant.